Master's degree in STEM Education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) from Drake
Expect more from your Master's degree! Graduates of the STEM Education Master's degree have won local, state, and national awards, published in peer-reviewed journals, and led their districts to be models in effective STEM eduation.
Blending cutting-edge research with practical knowledge needed to navigate the modern classroom, the MSE in STEM Education at Drake University helps teachers teach and share their expertise within and beyond their classroom.
Come get involved with projects sponsored by NASA, the National Science Foundation, the William G. Stowe Foundation, and the Slay Fund. Want to go further? Many of our MSE: STEM graduates go on to complete our Ph.D. program!
For more information on the MSE: STEM, contact:
Jerrid Kruse, PhD
Professor of Education; Collier Baker Endowed Professorship
1-800-44-DRAKE (37253) x3912